
otto von bismarck中文是什么意思

  • 铁血宰相
  • 俾斯麦



  • 例句与用法
  • “ a conquering army on the border will not be halted by the power of eloquence ” ( otto von bismarck )
    “边境上打了胜仗的军队不会因为雄辩的力量而停止前进的” (奥托?冯?俾斯麦) 。
  • It is times like this that i hope prince otto von bismarck could rise to authoritatively decide the future of the world with level - headedness and magnificent diplomacy and not give in to popular demands driven by emotions
  • It is times like this that i hope prince otto von bismarck could rise to authoritatively decide the future of the world with level - headedness and magnificent diplomacy and not give in to popular demands driven by emotions
  • Named after the 19th century german chancellor otto von bismarck , bismarck ' s fame came from the battle of the denmark strait in which the flagship and pride of the british royal navy , the battle cruiser hms hood , was sunk in may 1941 , from churchill ' s subsequent order to " sink the bismarck " , and from the relentless pursuit by the royal navy which ended with her loss only three days later
    “俾斯麦”的赫赫大名来自于她在1941年5月丹麦海峡之战一举击沉皇家海军的旗舰? ? “胡德”号战列巡洋舰,来自于英国首先丘吉尔随后发出的“击沉俾斯麦”的铁命令,来自于她被英国皇家海军坚韧不懈地追击在处女航仅仅三天后就被击沉。
  • 推荐英语阅读
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